Day 1 :
- Diseases and Stem Cell Treatment
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Session Introduction
mandana kazemi
Department of, Shahrekord branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran
Title: Role of stem cells in cancer therapy and cancer stem cells
I am a postgraduate student of genetics at Shahrekord University
Cancer is the most common cause of death.Using stem cells in the modulation or regeneration system is one of the methods used in the treatment of cancer.Stem cells have their renewable capacity with very duplicative potential in multilayer differentiation capacity.Ideally, ESCs can be a source of stem cells for therapeutic purposes because of their higher tolerance power and indefinite lifespan compared to ASCs that are less tolerant and have a shorter lifespan.However, the use of ESCs has ethical limitations and is restricted to research and therapeutic purposes. Therefore, ASCs are stem cells that are more commonly used for research and therapeutic purposes, for ease of access and less restriction on ethical issues.The most important and useful property of stem cells is their renewal. Through this property, a remarkable parallel can be found between stem cells and cancer cells.Cancer stem cells can be defined as cells in tumor growth with the potential for tumor onset.Natural stem cells are characterized by three properties: Self renewal ability. Careful control over the number of stem cells and the ability to divide and differentiate to produce all the functional elements of that particular tissue.Compared to normal stem cells, cancer stem cells have no control over the number of cells.Cancer stem cells make up very few tumor growth and are said to be responsible for the growth of tumor cells.The purpose of this study is to identify cancer stem cells that may provide therapeutic approaches that target cancer stem cells so that cells rapidly divide into cancer.